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About Us
Nutrients come in many forms, but all need to dissolve before passing into the body.  Only Aquaceuticals will deliver them quickly and with no loss in the digestive system.

Dr Graham Cope

The idea for Aquaceuticals came about when we were researching classic signs and symptoms of illness through lack of the right nutrients. We developed the Body language website to guide people to the right nutrients that they needed to heal themselves. 

We came across cosmpelling scientific evidence to show that our food so often is deficient in essential nutrients. So we developed the most successful method of redressing the balance - Aquaceuticals.

We believe most people have some form of imbalance or other, and it so often degrades quality of life. Many common ailments that weigh heavily on the Health Service, and cause discomfort, stress and lost time at work, could so easily be avoided by understanding your body’s signs.

Cataracts affect many older people; in the U.K. nearly 3/4 million wait annually for cataract operations but Vitamin C and Vitamin E could reduce the incidence dramatically.

In the UK, there are about 1.4 million diabetics and a further 1 million are believed to be undiagnosed. It is thought there will be up to 3 million people with diabetes by 2010. We have an Aquaceutical formulation designed to tackle diabetes.

The British mental health charity, Mind, confirms what our scientists already know - nutritional imbalances can also aggravate the symptoms of a whole range of illnesses including autism, schizophrenia, and  depression. Now, our scientists can repair that imbalance.

And deficiency in certain chemicals, vitamins, minerals or fatty acids can have dramatic effects, reducing your ability to prevent cancer, heal the body, fend off illness, and fight ageing.

We are scientists, free from the dogma and restrictions of healthcare dictated by pharmaceutical products that treat symptoms but don't cure. Aquaceuticals are simply the best way to deliver food supplements.

In we promote the foods that heal individual symptoms, but modern processed foods from overfarmed land so often lack the essential nutrients. Aquaceuticals are made with nutrients that target the missing nutrition.

You can download the Body language booklet (12 x A5 pages) here