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The Ultimate in Targeted Nutrition
We are all told our future health relies on targeted nutrition, not drugs.  

And the future of targeted nutrition is Aquaceuticals - the ultimate delivery method for  everything the body requires. 


Nutrients come in many forms, but all need to dissolve before passing into the body.  Only Aquaceuticals will deliver them quickly and with no loss in the digestive system. 

Dr Graham Cope

"I have been working in disease and prevention for most of my career. I have studied many diseases and conditions, including cardiovascular disease, respiratory illness, gastrointestinal ailments, diabetes, fertility, pregnancy, and childhood illnesses. I have published in the academic press with chapters in books, papers and numerous presentations to conferences and workshops. I have also appeared on TV, radio and printed media in the and around the world.

I have transferred my interests now to nutrition and the eleviation of deficiencies. I'm excited by the prospect of helping people understand their bodies and to use nutrition to stay healthy. 

We're looking to collaborate with complimentary healthcare workers and nutritionists to best address the modern trend away from drugs and focused on nutrition.